Big Buck Bunny: downloaded & awarded

Sinds de volledige film Big Buck Bunny online staan loopt het hard: op 7 juni stond de teller op 917,000 downloads, inclusief Youtube (215,000) en Vimeo (300,000) views. De makers tonen zich enthousiast: Pretty good numbers. Without counting all the other mirrors, iso dowloads, our own dvds, and assuming more people watch a single download, … Read More “Big Buck Bunny: downloaded & awarded”

Sinds de volledige film Big Buck Bunny online staan loopt het hard: op 7 juni stond de teller op 917,000 downloads, inclusief Youtube (215,000) en Vimeo (300,000) views. De makers tonen zich enthousiast:

Pretty good numbers. Without counting all the other mirrors, iso dowloads, our own dvds, and assuming more people watch a single download, we can safely estimate that over a million people have seen BBB now!

Als kers op de taart kreeg Big Buck Bunny een speciale vermelding tijdens het Cyborg FilmFestival. De organisatie roemt:

the great ability with which has been completed the creation of characters animate of the work and their character animation able to absolutely return an expressiveness worthy of products commercial high-level.

De geprefereerde Anglo-Itailaanse bewoording om aan te geven dat de organisatie diep onder de indruk was van de animaties in de film. Daarnaast ook lovende woorden voor de 3D software die Blender ontwikkelde:

the important value of a software 3D as Blender, with which the work has entirely been realized, and that it opens a ‘important reflection on the value of the open source and of the free software in the professional and commercial world’

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