‘Commoner Letter’ door Richard Brookman & Science Commons video

Als onderdeel van de Creative Commons jaarlijkse sponsorwerving campagne betuigen vooraanstaande CC-leden in een ‘Commoner Letter’ hun steun aan CC. Richard Brookman (University of Miami) schreef de 4e brief. In deze brief benadrukt hij het belang van ‘open science’ en de innovaties die door kennisdeling in wetenschappelijk onderzoek ontstaan. Aansluitend op deze brief lanceerde Creative … Read More “‘Commoner Letter’ door Richard Brookman & Science Commons video”

Als onderdeel van de Creative Commons jaarlijkse sponsorwerving campagne betuigen vooraanstaande CC-leden in een ‘Commoner Letter’ hun steun aan CC.
Richard Brookman (University of Miami) schreef de 4e brief. In deze brief benadrukt hij het belang van ‘open science’ en de innovaties die door kennisdeling in wetenschappelijk onderzoek ontstaan. Aansluitend op deze brief lanceerde Creative Commons International de ‘Science Commons’ info video, gemaakt door Jesse Dylan.

Bekijk Jesse Dylan’s video:

‘Commoner Letter’ Richard Brookman:

Dear Creative Commoner,
I’m Richard Bookman, the University of Miami’s vice provost for research, executive dean for research and research training at UM’s Miller School of Medicine, and a neuroscientist. As vice provost, I am the chief research officer for the University of Miami and I support the research efforts of our faculty through coordination of research activities across our 5 campuses and 12 schools and colleges. At the Miller School, I am responsible for nurturing and growing the research enterprise, promoting inter-departmental and inter-school research efforts, and overseeing research administration.
I’m writing today to urge your support for Creative Commons – and to tell you a little about how I’m working with CC.
CC came to me via the iPhone, when I downloaded a TED talk by Larry Lessig http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/larry_lessig_says_the_law_is_strangling_creativity.html and started learning about the issues behind CC. Soon after that, I got involved with John Wilbanks and the Science Commons project as part of my work on the Florida CURED Council http://www.doh.state.fl.us/ExecStaff/biomed/index.html and the Florida Biomedical Research Programs. We put together a state-wide conference with Science Commons http://conferences.dce.ufl.edu/cured/ earlier this year where we focused on the connection between open licensing, open innovation, and the life sciences. It was a great day, and hopefully the start of a long collaboration with Science Commons.
I hope to grow that connection in 2009 to explore how Florida can begin to take the lead in open science – because the principles of “Some Rights Reserved” make an enormous amount of sense to me as a life scientist, as well as a university research leader. Furthermore, our discussions have persuaded me that the tools and ideas behind CC/SC represent an important stimulus to the business community to develop new business models that reflect and leverage off a networked scientific community.

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